I highly recommend Brad Listi as a podcast listen for any writer. Years ago when life held fewer distractions I discovered what it meant to be a storyteller. Brad opened each podcast episode with a short story from life — often amusing but sometimes heartbreaking. I am talking to you Walter. No more bagels for my pups.
I love the craftwork episodes where you are taught something that might resonate with your personal or work life. Often, the topics are about writing, publishing — stuff like that but today we are introduced to Nicholson Baker’s new book Finding a Likeness: How I Got Somewhat Better at Art*.
*Amazon Associate Link
In 2019, after years of researching and writing about secret and often horrible government programs for his book Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information Act, he was wiped out. Having been steeped for so long in the history of war, violence, and conspiracy, the world had lost some of its brightness. Photography had scratched a creative itch for years, but now, Baker was desperate to squeeze more out of what he saw – he wanted to live, slowly, through the snatches of life he was recording in photos. Maybe, he thought, he could learn to paint? The idea consumed him, but he was nagged by an even more debilitating doubt: What if he failed? — Amazon
So today has been one of those rush around days. Appointments being pushed back in the day taking all of your best intentions with them. I honestly think we should be able to do better.
Instead I have to read and respond to all of my mother’s text reminders for her medical appointments and those directed at me as well.
Respond Y or N
Reminder from Xfinity: Your next monthly automatic payment will be…
Thank you for confirming your appointment
Appt confirmed. Please bring copay/pymt
Your feedback is important to us. Please take a survey…
Personally I am pretty good at adulting and don’t need constant reminders, confirming, and thanking. My 85 year old mom on the other hand is not a fan of her iPhone, constantly thrusting it at me telling me it is broken. Life is full of distractions. The hard work is staying focused and productive.
I had nothing particular to share with you from a day of chaos but my mind returns to Nicholson Baker talking about slow thinking. The art of paying attention. Your life is busy. Don’t forget to slow down. The other day I was in the middle of a 7 mile run that winds near one of those little wooden neighborhood libraries.
Typically filled with fiction and children’s books I found a gem. Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville. A book written in the 1800s now translated into English that took Tocqueville 9 years to write. What a timely tome to explore a history of American culture.
What are you reading?