If you know me, you are likely aware of my data journey. I like to include this graphic (and encourage others to think of what their journey might look like). I came to refinement of my data science skills later in the trajectory but there is an advantage. I had questions. Many questions. When you come to the table with questions you have a significant advantage. I was able to seek solutions in a data tool/software agnostic manner.

I fell in love with data by accident. I thought I was in love with technical/medical writing but looking back I think it was the knowledge. Over the years I noticed something disturbing. Facts or knowledge were being highly selected to support business models or tentative business outcomes.
Now I am not saying I was confronted by intentional global malfeasance — at least not on a large scale, but perhaps we aren’t always called to task on our own biases or susceptibility to logical fallacies.

Zoom is exploding with experts in this and experts in that. The majority of them teach a set of skills as if they occur in a vacuum. They do not. I want to share this popular video I recorded last year. It is a perfect level-set for beginning to explore work-flows, adding new skills, and learning in an asynchronous environment.
Maybe start with this video. There is a proper amount of context followed by a bunch of useful websites to find data for analysis.
Where can you find healthcare data?
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