I heard that Larry David had marching orders for Seinfeld (the show about nothing) that famously included— no hugging, no learning.
He wasn’t promising redemptive characters or story arcs, simply interactions between four seemingly vacuous friends that managed to be likable or at the very least relatable.
I was reminded of this after returning from a conference presentation over the weekend. Not every event is THE event and often, you are able to observe the flow and energy as an outsider. Not the first time this has happened.
In full disclosure I like a well organized conference with perhaps a bit more polish and structure than most attendees/presenters require. There is a fine line though between casual and where the hell is this place?
Unlike Seinfeld though, I always learn. Even if it is of the this and not that variety.
I am a type. I like to know that the tech will work, understand where I am supposed to be and all of that. I will leave it there for now.
What did I learn? I learned patience — not sure if it will stick but baby steps folks, baby steps. I was surprised and charmed that within this cherished space I was recognizable by more than a handful of attendees and even invited to a podcast interview. I had sworn off ever doing that again but was delighted by the invitation and excited to be featured on Women in Geospatial.
This quick note serves as a punctuation full stop on accepting certain types of invitations to speak. Trust your instincts — the way you are treated pre-conference is a pretty good indication of what it will be like onsite.
Now give us a hug…
Next stop?
I am excited to announce I am joining Global Impact Assessment as a Principal Consultant.
They had me at:
“GLOBAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT is a cutting-edge environmental, social, human rights and health impact assessment and consulting firm dedicated to assisting businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations in navigating the complexities of sustainability and ethical practices.”