A Bib Gourmand of data visualization
I was listening to a podcast recently where they were joking about starting a Michelin Guide for data visualization. If you want to elevate your game —ahem—this podcast is a must listen. The mix of mentor personalities balances the message for me.
I will warn you. There is no fast tract to success. You will need to work hard but geez there is so much great information here.
For me, I follow along to learn from Gabby. In another life I was a Tableau enthusiast, User Group leader, evangelist, member of the speaker’s bureau — all the things. I noticed her work and although late to the party when I heard there was a podcast I added it to the queue.
I think I am 4 or 5 episodes in now and I have learned more than I can begin to summarize. To be more accurate, the discussions validated my own practice and invited me to achieve more. Maybe you don’t think of maps as being data viz but I argue it is our gateway data visualization. Screw up a map and you just pissed off a bunch of people.
I can’t get the idea of a Michelin Star system out of my mind — only half kiddingly it seems perfect for data visualization. The building I stay in when visiting NYC has Two Michelin Star restaurants ( * and **)!
Being fancy isn’t required to receive a single star. It is about the food. That first star means you delivered a great meal — perhaps light on bells and whistles but solid.
We can do this in data visualization. Definitely worth a look!
A two-star restaurant experience not only has the exceptional cuisine but now we are looking around. How was the service? How would you describe “the overall experience”? Something here is more distinct and it is notable. You begin to share the visualization with your friends and colleagues.
In data visualization this requires working with a team. Think about the different skills needed to make something more interactive that zings but brings the message home. In digital media we are looking at more high end tools — there will be no spreadsheets served at this meal.
I think you indeed need a large budget and a team for a 3-star Michelin rating in data visualization. Think NY Times, Vox, Financial Times etc…
A particularly interesting thread of the conversation shared an important detail.
Or was it a question?
Should a solo creative be expected to challenge the likes of multimillion graphic budgets at The New York Times for example or the specific expertise of say Vox?
I don’t know but I had an exceptional piece of fish at Oyamel in Washington DC a few months ago. I think I had already started stabbing at it when I took the picture so don’t blame the kitchen for the plating. But oh mommy this was tasty…
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. William Shakespeare